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Brightsparks Academy Learner secures job in Marketing Agency

Have you ever applied for your dream social media, marketing, digital or creative job, only to be told you don't have enough experience or the 'right' experience? Know you've got the skills and creative ideas but your CV doesn't seem to translate? We hear you, we see you and that's why we created Brightsparks Academy.

Our Brightsparks Academy programme is available for free, providing training, coaching and guidance to help those furthest from employment to secure roles in the digital and creative sector.

Designed by Brightsparks Agency and Brightsparks CIC, the programme helps to build both skills and confidence in its trainees.

Academy Trainees receive:

  • 10 weeks of online group classes

  • Tailored employability coaching

  • Real-world digital marketing skills

  • An updated CV

  • 1:1 strength identification & career advice

  • A certificate of completion to add to your CV

Despite the challenges of a tough job market post-Covid 19, one of our current cohort of Academy Trainees secured a position in a Marketing Agency within the first 6 weeks of the programme.

"I am pleased to tell you I got a job at a marketing agency! Just wanted to thank you for everything."

- Brightsparks Academy Trainee

We couldn't be more proud of our talented Academy trainees and graduates.

If you are interested in taking part in a future cohort, email us at:


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